Title: Alternative Education Director
Qualifications: A minimum of a AA in School Administration
Reports To: Superintendent
Job Goal: To provide leadership and supervision through administrative skills so as to promote the
educational development of each student.
Mission and Goals
- Works with the Superintendent and those whom he/she supervises to articulate and promote the school system’s vision of learning and teaching
- Monitors and evaluates progress toward accomplishment of system goals and objectives
- Uses student data to identify program needs
- Develops goals and objectives, programs and operations that are consistent with school system vision, mission, and goals
- Ensures that unit and program plans are consistent with the system’s strategic plan
- Organizes daily, monthly, and yearly schedules to facilitate learning and teaching in the schools
- Communicates high expectations of students, staff, and parents/guardians
- Creates, identifies, encourages, and supports innovative ideas that in turn support learning and teaching in the schools
- Selects and utilizes personnel to meet the needs of the school
- Administers the finances and resources of the school with sound fiscal management and educational practices
- Achieves maximum results for available resources and money spent
- Protects instructional time through effective instructional leadership
- Understands and utilizes the available technology of the school (The focus of technology is on student achievement.) Assessment and Student Performance
- Emphasizes and relates the importance of the Mississippi Assessment System to students, faculty/staff, parents, and the community
- Makes changes in the curriculum and instructional program based upon evaluation of student achievement data. Establishes an effective plan for continuous improvement on the Mississippi Assessment System and revise the plan as needed
- Establishes a plan for intervention based upon an evaluation of program needs
- Maintains appropriate procedures for monitoring daily classroom assessments
- Establishes an ongoing evaluation plan for monitoring classroom instruction
- Leads and facilitates the instructional staff in ongoing and continuous analysis and planning for curriculum and instructional improvement
- Selects effective staff to meet identified needs of the instructional program
- Monitors teacher use of frameworks, blueprints, benchmarks, and rubrics for daily planning of instruction
- Ensures alignment of all instructional materials to state frameworks, blueprints, benchmarks, and rubrics
Accreditation Standards
- Communicates and follows established procedures in the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards and other applicable federal and state regulations
- Formulates improvement plans based on most recent results of the Mississippi Accreditation Model
- Demonstrates evidence of improvement on the Accreditation and Growth components of the Mississippi Accreditation Model
- Formulates plans for improvement based on established standards for growth under No Chi/d left Behind
- Demonstrates evidence of school improvement on the growth standards set forth in No Chi/d Left Behind Fiscal Management
- Follows all purchasing laws, statutes, and procedures
- Implements an organized, systematic plan for determining budgetary needs for programs supervised Maintains accurate financial statements
- Maintains financial records according to established time lines and procedures
- Follows established procedures for maintaining an appropriate fixed assets inventory
- Approves expenditures within established budget allocations
- Divides expenditures across the academic year
- Supervises and maintain upkeep and cleanliness of facilities
Student Discipline
- Maintains accurate and organized records for student discipline
- Follows district policies when administering student discipline
- Insures that disciplinary actions according to established policies
- Develops a plan for insuring faculty and staff maintain appropriate and timely communication with parents concerning disciplinary referrals and actions
- Monitors the discipline program at the school and maintain timely and appropriate communication between teachers and the administration
- Implements and monitors the established school wide security plan
- Establishes and monitors a plan for the continuous supervision of students
- Monitors and evaluates classified personnel and programs
- Administers and supervises extra-curricular activities
- Uses appropriate grammar and syntax – verbal and written
- Communicates pertinent information from meetings, conferences, and other sources in a timely and accurate manner
- Provides a monthly calendar for communication with the Superintendent, faculty, and staff
- Demonstrates courtesy and impartiality in relationships with faculty, staff, and other associates
- Provides an opportunity for faculty and staff input and incorporate their recommendations into the decision-making process where appropriate
Parents and Community
- Communicates school and organizational goals to parents periodically throughout the school year
- Listens effectively to the ideas, grievances, and complaints of parents and make a reasonable effort to resolve such issues
- Informs the community about school and organizational goals throughout the school year
- Provides current information on promotion/retention requirements , graduation requirements, and testing schedules
- Communicates the special academic needs to parents such as being at-risk of failure on a required state test, etc.
- Promotes parental involvement
General Responsibilities
- Evaluates program needs and plans suitable professional development activities
- Participates in activities that will enhance administrative skills so as to promote the educational development of each student
- Studies and follows district policies applicable to the operation of a school as established by the Board of Education
- Follows any further rules or requirements as set forth by the Superintendent of Education
- Performs any other tasks as required by the Superintendent of Education, the designee of the Superintendent, and the principal
Terms of Employment: Eleven month year. Salary established by the Board of Education.
Evaluation: Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board's policy on Evaluation of Professional Personnel.